Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Forward files/mp3 recieved via bluetooth to others AND copy them to other locations in your MMC -- Nokia 6600

Hi all,
... a revolution is waiting for you, read on...

We all know that those files recieved via bluetooth in Nokia6600 (series 60) phones can :-

1. neither be forwarded via bluetooth
2. nor can be saved to other locations in the MMC.

The solutions which seemed very tricky in the begening, came out to be a "low dud", all you need is some right tools (all freeware) & some POM (Presence Of Mind)

1. FExplorer -- http://users.skynet.be/domi/fexplorer.htm -- (freeware)
2. Forwarder -- http://www.compsoc.man.ac.uk/~ashley -- (freeware)
3. Bluetooth connection or any other means to transfer these onto your mobile.

1. Install FExplorer & Forwarder
2. Recieve something via bluetooth so that it goes to your inbox
3. Check that you are not able to transfer it further as you dont get any option to send it via bluetooth or move it to a suitable gallery/folder in ur MMC


4. Run Forwarder and forward sis/mp3 files to another bluetooth device! (Problem (1) solved)
5. Click options > file properties
6. Try remembering the path it shows!
7. Close Forwarder & open FExplorer
8. Goto the path specified in step (6)
9. Cut & copy the mp3/sis file to any folder you like (even your gallery) (Problem (2) solved)
10. You can even send these files via Bluetooth as FExplorer supports bluetooth!

The inbuilt gallery manager (The Gallery in simple terms) will not show you the .sis & .mp3 extension files. So to send them via Bluetooth from "the gallery", rename them to any other extension. OR use FExplorer's bluetooth!

Nokia & Symbian made great efforts to hide these formats, preventing the people from sending these files via Bluetooth/Infrared... but remember... Nothing's Mission Impossible!!!

Make a permanent directory in your MMC & keep atleast these two installers (forwarder & fexplorer) files, so that you can always forward them & this knowledgebase to your friends!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog!
I really enjoyed looking over your last post. Pet peeve #1 - People with a cellphone plastered to their ear while trying to drive. Don't they realize all they have to do is go to www.bluetoothbargains.combluetooth wireless get a bluetooth wireless and make driving alot easier for all of us. Soon laws will require it! Well, keep the great posts coming and I'll be back to check it out.